HypeCP Returns + Secret Commands!


HypeCP returned today, however was exactly the same as it previously was. Currently, the game can only be played at HypeCP.sytes.net.

However, the game has reintroduced the !MYP and !SS command. So I decided to give away a few secret ones which are safe and do not disrupt the game for anyone else.

!MP _xscale -100

This isn’t much of a moonwalk, however enables your Penguin to walk backwards. It also appears as if your Penguin has had the colors switched round.

!MYP _y 9999

Looks as if your Penguin has disappeared after using, then is suddenly moonwalking backwards on the chat bar. To exit this, you need to change rooms.

!MYP color_id 16

This turns your Penguin white. It only works for certain Penguins. I can’t show an image because I can’t do the command either.

!GF SHELL.sendBuyInventory 14

This allows you to wear Grey (Not patched).

Also, you can try some of the Chaos Server Commands from the iCPv3 Commands page. Just remember to change the !MP bit to !MYP.

Have you found any hidden Commands? If so, please comment them.

Note: If someone is causing the room to lag abusing the commands, just go to another room then return to the previous room, and report the player if they refuse to stop.




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